Make generative art with frens
Enchant your Entropes with Spells – a new kind of On-Chain Interactive NFT that can be cast across the blockchain on other NFTs, wallets, and contracts.
There are three ways to play the Entropes magic game:
Cast on your own entropes to trigger effects, and use your spell's $cast (an ERC-20 that can be held by spells) to increase the duration of the enchantment.
1 $cast = 7893 blocks (~26.7 hrs)
maximum 333 $cast = 2628369 blocks (~365 days)

Co-Op: Sigil Collection Game
Applying temporary visual effects to an Entrope is fun, but what about unlocking permanent new abilities? Collect sigil sets by having other spells holders cast on your Entrope to unlock new powers. When you unlock an ability, it will trigger an Event (which works like a normal Event, with chance of loss on each transfer). Once unlocked, the Entrope now has the ability to trigger the effect on future transfers.
(note: unlocking a new ability while another Unlock Event is active overwrites the previous unlock Event)
Sigil Sets
PvP: Seeds of Evolution
There are 6 Seeds of Evolution, each with 6-10 holder spots, for the most ZEALOUS players to win for their Entropes. As long as your Entrope holds a Seed, it will have the Seed's effect trait. But be careful, others may win your Seed out from under you!
Each Seed has 10 spots, and each of the 10 spots are always held by the Entropes with the highest power meter for the given Seed. Each seed has certain spells that allow you to use $cast to increase your Entrope's power meter. It does not matter if you cast the spell, or someone else does. It will always increase the power meter.
(note: self casting (singleplayer) these spells will not trigger Enchantments, but others casting on your Entrope will still count toward your collected sigils)